
会期:2014年1月5日[日]– 2月23日[日]
開館時間:9:30 – 17:30(入館は閉館の30分前まで)

※( )内は前売り、20名以上の団体および満65歳以上の方の割引料金。満65歳以上の方はチケット購入時に年齢が分かる物[健康保険証、運転免許証等]をご提示ください。

助成:公益財団法人 花王芸術・科学財団、公益財団法人 福岡文化財団
後援:福岡市教育委員会、公益財団法人 福岡市文化芸術振興財団

福岡市中央区大濠公園1-6 [MAP]|TEL: 092-714-6051|Fax: 092-714-6145|http://www.fukuoka-art-museum.jp

Open Hours: 9:30-17:30 (Admission till 17:00)
Closed Day: Every Monday except for holidays, Jan.13 (Mon) open; instead Jan.14 (Tues) will be closed.
Admission Fee: Adult 1,200 yen (1,000yen), High School & College Student 800yen (600yen)

*Prices in the brackets are discounted prices for groups of 20 people or more and for the people of 65 years of age or more. For those who are 65 or more, please present proof of age such as a health card or driver's license at the time of ticket purchasing. *The following people are admitted free by presenting the following ID, Pass, or Proof. ・Elementary School and Jr. High School Student ・Physically Disabled ID ・Rehabilitation ID for Mentally Disabled (plus one medical helper is permitted) ・Proof of Medical Recipient for Specified Diseases, Congenial Blood Coagulation Genetic Disability and Specific Chronic Childhood Diseases

Organized by: Fukuoka Art Museum, The Nishinippon Shimbun Co.,Ltd., TVQ Kyushu Broadcasting Co.,Ltd.
Grants from: The Kao Foundation for Arts and Sciences, The Fukuoka Cultural Foundation
Supported by: Fukuoka City Board of Education, Fukuoka City Foundation for Arts and Cultural Promotion

Fukuoka Art Museum
1-6 Ohori-Koen Park, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka-shi 810-0051 Japan [MAP]|Phone +81-92-714-6051|Fax +81-92-714-6145|http://www.fukuoka-art-museum.jp

空港線 大濠公園駅下車、徒歩10分 |七隈線 六本松駅下車、徒歩10分

